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2nd Research, Innovation & Creativity Exhibition 2024

Project ID:
Mental Health System
Project Title:
Information Technology/ Computer Science
Hoo Ern Ping, Ts. So Yong Quay
Southern University College
Invention Description/ Abstract:
Mental health disorders have an increasing trend of prevalence in Malaysia, for example, the transition of middle-income to upper-income countries, which is associated with a shift in culture and lifestyle due to the increase in globalisation and urbanization, as well as the high poverty rate in Malaysia, are among the causes of the increase in mental health issues and suicide rate (Raaj et al., 2021). Furthermore, Malaysia also faced challenges such as a lack of professional mental health specialists, therapists, and counsellors (Chong Guan et al., 2018).
Therefore, the need for advanced mental health tools and online platforms that are secure, highly accessible, easy to use, and low or free of cost are becoming crucial to deal with this social issue in Malaysia. Other upper-income countries have flourished and developed a variety of mental health applications, with Stephen Schueller, PhD estimating that the number of mental health related self-help applications now ranges between 10,000 and 20,000 (Clay, 2021). However, mental health applications are still relatively new in Malaysia.
That’s why I decided to develop a local mental health application with customised features for Malaysians, such as a system that will provide service in four main languages: Malay, English, Chinese, and Tamil; a system that will provide trusted mental health content; a system that will allow local citizens to participate in mental health events; and a system that will help patients connect with local certified mental health associations, specialists, therapists, doctors, and counsellors.
Invention Technical Description
The mental health system uses Laravel v9+ as a backend development framework, connecting to a MySQL database using XAMPP, and I use Vuejs v3 as the main frontend development framework, using Inertia as an adapter to connect both frameworks. Tailwind is used as a CSS framework to design the user interface of this project, which is responsive on both mobile and the web.
This system employs TipTap 2 as a WYSIWYG editor because it is the most widely used and recommended Vue.js 3-based editor. This system uses Laravel spatie to assign roles and permissions in the system. The system is designed to have 4 roles, namely, user, professional, admin, and super admin, with a total of 120+ permissions. Laravel Breeze, which provides a simple authentication system, is used in this project.
This system is able to provide three different kinds of services, namely self-therapy, customer relationship management (CRM), and blended care. Self-therapy is accomplished through the use of a content and answer management system, such as reading and answering questions from a journal, questionnaire, or survey (with instant results). The event management system is the major subsystem in this project, which includes event, schedule, appointment, payment, task answer, report answer, chat, and the user management system, and it allows this system to provide CRM services as well as blended care.
Demostration/ Presentation Video
Poster/ Broucher/ Invention Photo

Video Link
Poster Link
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