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Project ID:


WeCare Elderly Home Management System

Project Title:


Information Technology/ Computer Science


Tai Kang Sheng


Southern University College

Invention Description/ Abstract:

Population aging is a serious problem worldwide, with more elderly people than younger generations. In this situation, more and more young generations will send their parents to elderly homes to receive better care. Because of this, it is necessary to develop an elderly home management system. The reason for proposing this system is to reduce the negative effects of the aging population problem. this system will be developed using programming frameworks such as flutter, Laravel, MySQL, and Bootstrap. The goal of this system is to provide a more efficient workflow to track the medication usage of the elderly and to provide a more systematic approach to manage the elderly homes. The project uses a waterfall model, starting with communication and planning, moving through design, development and testing, and finally to user acceptance and deployment. In summary, the proposed system will provide caretaker with a systematic approach to managing their schedules and the health of the elderly.

Invention Technical Description

The WeCare elderly home management system is using flutter to develop the interface of the system. In addition to that, the backend which is responsible for the data processing was developed using the Laravel framework. So, the backend would receive the message and data sent by the frontend and process it. And the data would store into MySQL database after process by the backend.

Demostration/ Presentation Video

Poster/ Broucher/ Invention Photo

Video Link

Poster Link

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